Margins on the page

After "seminar.sty" makes a slide (or a slide page) as described above, it (optionally) frames the slide. This is described in Section [*]. For making and framing the slide, "seminar.sty" does not need to know anything about the paper you are printing on, or the margins you want. Hence, none of LATEX's standard page parameters are relevant within a slide environment. (However, for the sake of consistency, "seminar.sty" sets "" to the width of the slide and "" to the height of the slide within a slide environment.) Now "seminar.sty" has to do something with the finished slide. As you read this User's Guide, you will find that there are various options. However, right now we are making slides for printing on transparencies, and so we have to position the slide on the transparency and add headers and footers. "seminar.sty" does not use LATEX's page parameters for this either. Instead, it uses the following parameters:
Parameter: Default:
There are commands, to be set with "".The only true length parameters (meaning that thay should be set with " ") in "seminar.sty" are , , , , , and .
Figure: Slide margins.
\begin{figure}\hrule height 1pt\relax
\begin{center}\setlength \unitlength{.7c...
\end{center}\hrule height 1pt\relax
Look at Figure [*]. Note that the headers and footers lie inside the top and bottom margins, respectively. The slide is then centered horizontally and vertically between the margins.